- Incidents at US Capitol and Berlin Reichstag highlight need for data analytics tools for security agencies
- Software platform (Law Enforcement Video Surveillance Manager) for planning and execution of police operations proven in practice
- Video Surveillance Manager’s functionality expanded for use in area observation, as well as the collection and analysis of audiovisual contaminated data

“The work of security agencies is becoming increasingly complex. In addition to classic observation via cameras, there is now also media such as the internet, TV and streaming. The possibilities for crime detection and prevention that this creates are huge – as are the resulting volumes of data, which pose a major challenge. Siloed solutions from different providers, which are still frequently used by public authorities today, are reaching their limits,” says artec CEO Thomas Hoffmann. “There needs to be a system platform that can, for example, structure contaminated data from, for example, social media channels, citizen-submitted video, and other sources and merge it with metadata from video observation or other databases. This is also one prerequisite for subsequent cognitive analysis of the kind increasingly used in counterterrorism.”
artec is positioning itself as a data-protection-compliant data collector and processor for security authorities
As a specialist in data collection and processing from audiovisual sources, artec can offer security authorities real added value. Thanks to the two platforms XENTAURIX and MULTIEYE, artec has a market-leading range of sources at its disposal, including TV and radio, a wide variety of cameras (including body cams and surveillance systems) and social media streams such as YouTube, Facebook and Tik Tok. artec systems have been successfully used in practice for years – for example, by security authorities and media companies, as well as in shopping malls and for number plate recognition.
Enhancement of the Video Surveillance Manager with AI functions
Expanding the Video Surveillance Manager’s functionality this year and even beyond is probably artec’s most important strategic goal.
Due to increased demand from artec’s customers and upcoming negotiations, artec’s technical specialists are making the necessary preparations. The plan is thus to enhance the manager with performance features for area observation in border regions as well as large-scale police-related situations, events and demonstrations.
This will be initially achieved via stronger integration of XENTAURIX as a source supplier from television and social media. The integration of other data sources such as drone images is also planned. In addition, the possibilities of matching and linking with existing audiovisual information, such as car license plates, faces, motion sensors and video material provided by citizens (contaminated data) will be enhanced by artificial intelligence. In addition, artec will enhance its existing service to guarantee security authorities technical support around the clock (24/7).
In conclusion, here is a use case for an artec objective: After a crime has been committed, such as those occurring during the G20 summit in Hamburg, the authorities put out a request for smartphone footage of the incident. Hundreds of videos are then uploaded. The future expanded development of the Video Surveillance Manager analyses the data, sorts out countless duplicates and provides the authorities with a pre-selection of videos relevant for reconnaissance. Officials can assess the situation from different angles. In addition, faces, number plates, conspicuous objects or clothing are marked with a “digital fingerprint”. Artificial intelligence can then be used to search for faces or cars in existing databases – e.g. from traffic monitoring or other security cameras. This allows a movement profile of perpetrators before and after the event to be created.

About us
The listed company artec technologies AG from Diepholz (Germany) develops and produces innovative software and system solutions for the transmission, recording and evaluation of video, audio and metadata in networks and the Internet.
>> bos.multieye.com
>> www.xentaurix.com
>> www.artec.de
artec technologies AG
Fabian Lorenz
E-mail: investor.relations@artec.de
Tel.: +49 5441 599516